Shadow Priest Pve Best In Slot
In this article, we explain what the best statistics are for Shadow Priests (WoW 4.3), how the class benefits from each of them, and what your reforging strategy should be. We also detail what the various caps are and why they should be attained. The statistics priority is important as it influences reforging strategies as well as itemisation choices (gear, enchants, and gems).
Make sure to check our Gear Optimisation Guide, which serves as a support guide for this article. The other articles of our Shadow Priest guide can be accessed from the table of contents on the right.
The stat priority for a Shadow Priest is:
- Intellect;
- Hit Rating or Spirit (until 17%);
- Haste Rating (until your soft haste cap, see below);
- Mastery Rating;
- Critical Strike Rating;
- Haste Rating.
Welcome to the Shadow Priest DPS guide for World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King 3.3.5a. In this guide, you will learn about playing a Shadow Priest in a raid. The guide includes Talents, Glyphs, Gems, Enchantments, Add-ons, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips.
- The fifth soft haste cap is at +41.67% spell haste, when you get a third additional tick of Shadow Word: Pain. It is only reachable by Goblins, benefiting from Dark Intent, in best-in-slot Tier 13 gear. For completeness' sake, the table below will tell you how much Haste Rating you need to reach the fifth soft haste cap.
- PvP & PvE rankings, players rankings, best guilds, classes & race rankings, gear, gems, enchants, talents & builds stats Best Azerite for PvE Shadow Priests - World of Warcraft Last Database Update: 20 Dec 2019.
- Welcome to the Priest Best in Slot list for the Shadow spec in BfA This list is based on the most reliable sources for this Class and Spec. Remember to check back often since opinions often change on the best gear. If you think our Best in Slot list is not correct, you can send us your list and we will check if it is better than ours.
- Shadow Priest PvE Guide - Spec, Rotation, Macros, Consumables The ultimate PvE guide for Shadow Priest. Find out about the best spec, optimized rotations, macros and desirable gear to become the best DPS Priest in Classic WoW.

If you are unsure what the optimal reforging strategy is for this priority, please refer to the reforging section of our Gear Optimisation Guide.
2.1. Statistics Explanations
Intellect is your most important stat, which provides the most benefit; you should look for this stat in all of your upgrades, as point for point it surpasses any other stat. It provides you with Spell Power and a higher mana pool, and increases your critical strike chance.
Hit Rating (or Spirit) is your second most important stat as it determines your chances to miss a target when casting a spell. Once you have reached the spell hit cap, at 17%, it is no longer necessary to increase your Hit Rating. As a Shadow Priest, any Spirit found on your gear will also provide you its full amount as Hit Rating, making it rather easy to reach the Hit Cap.
Haste Rating influences the cast speed of your spells and increases the number of ticks from your DoTs. After Intellect and Hit Rating, this is your best stat.
Haste Rating is only the best secondary statistic until reaching the soft cap. For more details about this, read our detailed section below.
Mastery Rating increases the damage dealt by your Shadow Orbs. It is, overall, a very good statistic.
Critical Strike Rating increases the critical strike chance of all your spells. It is your worst statistic.
3.1. Hit Cap
As for all caster classes, after 17% hit chance, additional Hit Rating becomes useless. Draenei require 1640 Hit Rating to reach the hit cap, while other races need 1742 Hit Rating.
3.2. Soft Haste Caps
As a Shadow Priest, there are several soft haste caps you can reach:
- at +18.74% spell haste, you gain a second additional tick of Devouring Plague;
- at +24.97% spell haste, you gain a second additional tick of Shadow Word: Pain;
- at +30% spell haste, you gain a second additional tick of Vampiric Touch;
- at +31.26% spell haste, you gain a third additional tick of Devouring Plague;
- at +41.67% spell haste, you gain a third addition tick of Shadow Word: Pain.
Your personal haste cap is whichever haste cap you can attain with your current gear. If the next cap is out of your reach, then you should stop adding more Haste Rating as soon as you have reached your cap.
In the following sections, the +3% spell haste given by Darkness and the +5% spell haste given by Shadowform are accounted for when computing Haste Rating values. For each cap, we list 4 values of Haste Rating, depending on whether Dark Intent is cast on you by a Warlock and whether you are a Goblin.
3.2.1. First Soft Haste Cap
The first soft haste cap is at +18.74% spell haste, when you get a second additional tick of Devouring Plague. The table below will tell you how much Haste Rating you need to reach the first soft haste cap.
Dark Intent? | Goblin? | Haste Rating Needed |
NO | NO | 1255 |
NO | YES | 1115 |
YES | NO | 845 |
YES | YES | 710 |
3.2.2. Second Soft Haste Cap
The second soft haste cap is at +24.97% spell haste, when you get a second additional tick of Shadow Word: Pain. The table below will tell you how much Haste Rating you need to reach the second soft haste cap.
Dark Intent? | Goblin? | Haste Rating Needed |
NO | NO | 1993 |
NO | YES | 1846 |
YES | NO | 1562 |
YES | YES | 1419 |
3.2.3. Third Soft Haste Cap
The third soft haste cap is at +30% spell haste, when you get a second additional tick of Vampiric Touch. The table below will tell you how much Haste Rating you need to reach the third soft haste cap.
Shadow Priest Pvp Best In Slot
Dark Intent? | Goblin? | Haste Rating Needed |
NO | NO | 2589 |
NO | YES | 2437 |
YES | NO | 2149 |
YES | YES | 1993 |
3.2.4. Fourth Soft Haste Cap
The fourth soft haste cap is at +31.26% spell haste, when you get a third additional tick of Devouring Plague. The table below will tell you how much Haste Rating you need to reach the fourth soft haste cap.
Dark Intent? | Goblin? | Haste Rating Needed |
NO | NO | 2737 |
NO | YES | 2583 |
YES | NO | 2284 |
YES | YES | 2135 |
3.2.5. The Fifth Soft Haste Cap
The fifth soft haste cap is at +41.67% spell haste, when you get a third additional tick of Shadow Word: Pain. It is only reachable by Goblins, benefiting from Dark Intent, in best-in-slot Tier 13 gear. For completeness' sake, the table below will tell you how much Haste Rating you need to reach the fifth soft haste cap.
Dark Intent? | Goblin? | Haste Rating Needed |
NO | NO | 3970 |
NO | YES | 3804 |
YES | NO | 3482 |
YES | YES | 3320 |
Shadow Priest Pve Best In Slot Machines
Head | Hands |
Neck | Waist |
Shoulder | Legs |
Back | Feet |
Chest | Finger 1 |
Finger 2 | |
Trinket 1 | |
Wrist | Trinket 2 |
Mainhand | Offhand |
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